Good things
Apr 30 2012
I'm still healthy.
I have Toto and my fam (and Flumpy in my heart).
I'm not on the street.
I can eat Bernard Callebaut chocolate instead of being tortured by it.
Bernard Callebaut chocolate still exists.
(Although unfortunately it is not longer being run by Bernard.)
I still exist.
I can still look forward to the things I don't know.
I can still sing.
April 30, 2012
April 29, 2012
Something to Say - Contemporary
Something to Say 2012 is finished! Actually it was finished about two weeks ago, I just haven't updated the blog. This picture is one of my favorites.
Photo by Up and Away Studios' Kristy-Anne Stewart (I find the blog interesting and easier to navigate). Thanks for capturing many great shots for us and your efforts in making the photos available to the team!
For the Culture Rebel blog, which has posts regarding the show's concept as well as some very well written comments, please click here.
This show was put together by the MPact Dance collective (click for bios).
Something to Say は終わりました!
写真は Up and Away Studios の Kristy-Anne Stewart さんのお陰です(因みにメインサイトよりブログのほうが気に入ってます)。素敵な写真を撮って、そしてショーの写真を早くくれてありがとうございます!
Culture Rebel のブログ(英語)はこのショーについていろいろ書かれています。そして、いろいろ考えてくれた読者のコメントも載っています。Culture Rebel blog リンクはこちらです。
このショーは MPact Dance コレクティヴがプロデュースしました。 MPact リンクはこちらです。
April 21, 2012
サムシング・トゥ・セイ CTV
Something to Say ディレクターのコニーさんとビジュアルアーティストのハリエットさんが CTV ニュースでインタービューをしました。リンクはこちらです:
Let It Rock のダンサーたちも紹介されました!
Something to Say CTV
Something to Say's director Connie Jakab and visual artist Harriet Stanley's interview on CTV here:
Also included are some sweet shots of the Let It Rock dancers!
April 06, 2012
ストリートスタイル私。メーク by 私。
この素敵な目は Emjay Casem (エムジェイ・カセム)さんがメークしてくれました。 Emjay は私とダンスの一つを一緒にやっています。毎晩次のダンスの準備をするのに Emjay さんがつけてくれたメークを落としてちょっと罪悪感を感じました。(笑)
まとめていい二番目の夜でした!人が世間の問題を考えようとしたり、視野を広げたり、art を支えたり、そして何よりもショーを楽しんだりしてくれることが見えるととても満足感じます。
The 2nd Night
So it's the second of four nights and all four nights are SOLD OUT!! Very exciting. I am so thankful to all the people who have come out and are coming out to support us. It really means a lot.
Awesome random lucky shot of my street getup.
These amazing eyes were done by makeup artist Emjay Casem (with the awesome hair next to me). Emjay and I are in one of the dance pieces together. Had to get a photo of these eyes; I feel guilty every night when I wipe my eyes off to re-makeup for the next piece in the show.
A good Material Girl shot. I wonder how my personality would appear to to people who see this photo. Introvert?
This turned out to be a surprisingly creative-looking shot.
All in all a good night (despite the fact that I stepped on a fellow dancer's pants in the crucial last piece and my face totally did the "oh shoot, I just stepped on someone's pants!" much for being a true performer). It is great to see people coming out for a cause and learning more about poverty ... and ultimately just enjoying the show.
April 04, 2012
I Want Change
Experimenting with an awesome picture that Connie took of me during filming for the Something to Say trailer. I liked the double meaning of the cardboard sign. I could make a photo reel with these! Counting down to show start and hoping we stay safe.
Something to Say トレーラの撮影の日に Connie さんが撮ってくれた写真。いろいろカラーセッティングを使ってみました。そのカードボードで書いてある 「I want change」 は二つの意味があります。ホームレスの方のよくある「お釣りをください」せりふでもあるが、「世界・周りに何かが変わってほしい。何かを変えてみたい」との意味もあります。そこが好きですね。
ショースタートまでワクワク~ みんなが無事でい続けるように!
April 03, 2012
Something to Say テレビ放送
Something to Say on Shaw TV
The television channel came to film us working on one of the pieces for the show that starts April 4th! Raaaad. Check it out:
April 01, 2012
こんな時にはまず MAC Cosmetics へ相談を求めます。
カラーのことなら MAC にライバルはない (まぁ...今時には)。
...で、 MAC ストアに入って eye メークのやり方のアイディアを頼みました。
そうやって適当に店に入ったら、「そういえば日本もやっと MAC ストアが開いてるよね」と思い出しました。
東京にいた時マックストアを訪ねてみました。日本の MAC 値段は Canada の二倍ほどでもないけど、高い!
どうやら MAC はもともとカナダで始まったらしいけど、アメリカの値段はまだ安いです。
本部が New York にあるからかな~
MAC Eyes
Trying out makeup for the upcoming show. For times like these the first place I go to is... *drumroll* ...MAC Cosmetics. When it comes to colour, especially stage colour, nothing beats MAC for me ... Though it makes me wonder what makeup Cirque du Soleil makeup artists are using. I'd like to start working with face paints sometime.
I walked into the MAC store and asked them to play with my eyes. (I was going for a grunge, feverish look.)
It reminded me that there are finally MAC stores in Japan now, and It makes me wonder if people in Japan also just walk up to the counter and ask for theatre makeup to be done on their faces. I'm pretty shy...but most girls in Japan are probably even more reserved than I am when it comes to that kind of stuff - forget guys!
I visited one of the stores when I was in Tokyo last time...and MAC prices are almost double what they are in Canada. I checked up on the internet and found out MAC was first founded in Canada, but sadly the U.S. pricing is still cheaper, probably because MAC is headquartered in New York.
...So then I played around with what my eye looked like on camera, and this was the effect. (It's the opposite eye because one picture was taken in the mirror and the other was not.) Totally changed my grunge look into something else:
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