March 25, 2012

Chubbify your life

What is 『 Chubbified 』?

The word chubbify is derived from chubby, an adjective to describe someone or something who is plump, pudgy, or fat. Chubbified comes from my habit of creating my own vocabulary and using unusual grammar. You may be making your o.O face but just wait til I become the next J.R.R. Tolkien...! (In my next life.)

Chubbify: verb. To fatten, to plumpen, to fill out (something), to enrich, to adorn, to harmonize, to heighten, to intensify.

Chubbification: noun. The act of chubbifying; enrichment

This blog will be a real account of my life, the thoughts that sometimes cross my mind, and the things I love (and hate).

I hope here will be a comfort to those who drop by, a heart and soul-opener, and a reminder to both myself and others to see and create the beauty around us. Live the Chubbified life; chubbify your life.

1 comment:

  1. Hi!
    Thanks for visiting my blog.
    I wrote some replies to your comments today.
    And I'm always looking forward reading your new contributions.
