今年初めて買った Birkenstock サンダルはやっと足跡の影が見えてきた~ 裸足が一番だけど、靴でしたら Birkenstock は足に良い方で、小さいころから医者もお勧めしました。安くない靴だけど、昔の値段とそんなに変わっていないと思う。こないだ同僚と会話で、本当にいい商品より、ファッションばかりの方が高いというアイディアを話していました。いい商品を作りたい会社の値段はわりと安定していますが、流行りの波に乗ろうとするブランド等は社会の所得パターンに合わせて値段を変化させて、商品のクオリティーは必ずついていくわけではないようです。今年こそ改めて良いと思う商品だけを見つめます。(*´▽`*)
追伸: Birkenstock を購入したい場合はサイズをちゃんと確認するように。人体的に(足の形を考えて)作られているので、適当なサイズじゃないとだめですね~
September 23, 2013
The Birkenstocks I bought this year are finally showing shadows of my footprints! Barefoot still tops all, but I have known about Birkenstocks ever since I was a little kid. Even though it was something my feet needed I could never bring myself to invest in a pair (a mistake as I'm pretty confident my feet would have developed differently). As such I am grateful that the price point of Birkenstocks has not changed too drastically over the years. A coworker and I were recently discussing the idea that truly good products tend to maintain a price point, whereas couture-wannabe fashion prices have shot up two-fold or three-fold in recent years. The Birkenstock Gizeh is one more reason I have decided to make even more effort this year to turn only to those quality products I've wanted for decades but could never bring myself to buy.
Note: For those of you who want to get Birkenstocks, keep in mind the sizing may be slightly bigger than your regular shoe. One of the great things about Birkenstocks is the anatomical footbed, so make sure you are fitted properly.
Note: For those of you who want to get Birkenstocks, keep in mind the sizing may be slightly bigger than your regular shoe. One of the great things about Birkenstocks is the anatomical footbed, so make sure you are fitted properly.
September 16, 2013
Sora ★ Kanno Youko
I have promised friends, family, and others that I would let them listen to songs that I sing. More importantly, when I went away for some time I wasn't able to sing to my chinchilla(s) in person, and it made me realize I really wanted to make some recorded versions available in case something happened to me and I was no longer able to let them listen to my voice. With that, the first commemorative song to be posted is the one that first piqued my interest in Japanese music and art.
While writing this post I played the song, and my chinchilla Toto (Tidbit) wasted no time settling onto my lap and listening. When Flumpy was still here I never played my own voice over the speakers, so he never listened to many of the recordings. I think I did try to sing to them quite a bit, but when a loved one goes away you always end up wishing you did more for them, no matter how much you thought you tried. Recently I've been playing songs on speaker more often for Tidbit (of course, in addition to any TV I watch so he can listen to the sounds; that part hasn't changed since the times of Flumpy).
Interestingly enough, this "Japanese" song does not have Japanese lyrics; rather, the lyrics are a mesh of words, apparently drawing inspiration from a variety of languages to come up with a mystical unknown language. Thinking about it now this is quite fitting, as in my eyes music itself is the language, and the only one I feel most comfortable with.
I found out about this song after looking into the animation series Vision of Escaflowne, of which I saw one episode many years ago. I have loved stories of time travel and different worlds, magic and fantastical possibilities etc. from the beginning of my days, and although the animation ability of the past generally doesn't compare to the growing technological options of current time, the creators were able to communicate the otherworldly feel of Escaflowne's story and the protagonist's wistful emotions. Needless to say, music was a part of this atmosphere thanks to Kanno Youko's sounds. I also learned about voice actress and singer Sakamoto Maaya through this debut series.
Even though the internet and media, and even music are a for granted part of our society today, I still sometimes marvel over the changes it has brought and the global borders it has helped to reduce.
While writing this post I played the song, and my chinchilla Toto (Tidbit) wasted no time settling onto my lap and listening. When Flumpy was still here I never played my own voice over the speakers, so he never listened to many of the recordings. I think I did try to sing to them quite a bit, but when a loved one goes away you always end up wishing you did more for them, no matter how much you thought you tried. Recently I've been playing songs on speaker more often for Tidbit (of course, in addition to any TV I watch so he can listen to the sounds; that part hasn't changed since the times of Flumpy).
Interestingly enough, this "Japanese" song does not have Japanese lyrics; rather, the lyrics are a mesh of words, apparently drawing inspiration from a variety of languages to come up with a mystical unknown language. Thinking about it now this is quite fitting, as in my eyes music itself is the language, and the only one I feel most comfortable with.
I found out about this song after looking into the animation series Vision of Escaflowne, of which I saw one episode many years ago. I have loved stories of time travel and different worlds, magic and fantastical possibilities etc. from the beginning of my days, and although the animation ability of the past generally doesn't compare to the growing technological options of current time, the creators were able to communicate the otherworldly feel of Escaflowne's story and the protagonist's wistful emotions. Needless to say, music was a part of this atmosphere thanks to Kanno Youko's sounds. I also learned about voice actress and singer Sakamoto Maaya through this debut series.
Even though the internet and media, and even music are a for granted part of our society today, I still sometimes marvel over the changes it has brought and the global borders it has helped to reduce.
Sora ★ 菅野よう子
(因 みにムード作りに音楽を流しているけど、チンチラの Toto は一秒も遅れずひざに座って聞いてくれています。チンチラの Flumpy が亡くなる前に自分の声をスピーカーで流すのが恥ずかしすぎて、あのころはあんまり流してあげなかった。いっぱい音楽を聞かせようとしたけど、やっぱり居 なくなると、もっと聞かせればよかったとか、つい人間は思ってしまうもんね。最近チンチラもうちの植物も歌声をもっと聞こえるようにスピーカで音楽流しています。もちろん、好きなアーティストの歌も聞かせたりします。そして Flumpy がいたころと変わらず、ドラマとか見せてます~ 笑)
こ の歌を知ったのは今から十年以上前偶然テレビで「天空のエスカフローネ」の一話を見たおかげです。小さい時から本やストーリーが好きで、次元を超えたり、違う 世界だったり、妖怪やファンタジーの話が特に好きでした。結局 Vision of Escaflowne は今までも観終わっていませんが、彼女が違う世界へ行った経験は他の読んだストリーと同じく心にのこりました。その時代のアニメ・テレビ技術は今ほど じゃないと思うけど、エスカフローネの不思議な世界を感じることが出来ました。菅野よう子さんのサウンドもあって素晴らしい背景が作られ、一話で与えられた気持ちが印象的でした。
(因 みにムード作りに音楽を流しているけど、チンチラの Toto は一秒も遅れずひざに座って聞いてくれています。チンチラの Flumpy が亡くなる前に自分の声をスピーカーで流すのが恥ずかしすぎて、あのころはあんまり流してあげなかった。いっぱい音楽を聞かせようとしたけど、やっぱり居 なくなると、もっと聞かせればよかったとか、つい人間は思ってしまうもんね。最近チンチラもうちの植物も歌声をもっと聞こえるようにスピーカで音楽流しています。もちろん、好きなアーティストの歌も聞かせたりします。そして Flumpy がいたころと変わらず、ドラマとか見せてます~ 笑)
こ の歌を知ったのは今から十年以上前偶然テレビで「天空のエスカフローネ」の一話を見たおかげです。小さい時から本やストーリーが好きで、次元を超えたり、違う 世界だったり、妖怪やファンタジーの話が特に好きでした。結局 Vision of Escaflowne は今までも観終わっていませんが、彼女が違う世界へ行った経験は他の読んだストリーと同じく心にのこりました。その時代のアニメ・テレビ技術は今ほど じゃないと思うけど、エスカフローネの不思議な世界を感じることが出来ました。菅野よう子さんのサウンドもあって素晴らしい背景が作られ、一話で与えられた気持ちが印象的でした。
September 09, 2013
Chubbified の適当料理:サーモン & きのこパスタ
前作ったサーモンパスタです。家にあるもので何となく何かを作る、というのがChubbified の料理ルールです。あんまりプランのない、その時食べたくなったものを食べる。けど、急に腹減っちゃうから、出来るだけ早く作れるものにするのも Chubbified ルールですね。作り方も気分によって調整します。材料は好きな量を使うのも、 Chubbified のやり方です。こんな Chubbified の料理だから、全然人に食わせるもんじゃないけど、自分で食べて満足できれば一応合格、というところでしょう。
サーモン (材料は適当な順番で):
Chicken broth (チキンブロス・鶏の煮出し汁?)
パスタ & ソース:
スパゲッティ (あるいは適当にあったパスタ)
マッシュルーム (が、日本に住んでいたころは見つかりにくいしあっても高いですから、味は変わりますがてきとーうにあったキノコにしてください)
ロメイン・レタス (か、ロメインは日本で聞いたこともなかったから、手に入れるのは難しそうで、代理のレタスでお願いします)
白ワイン (私は気に入らなかったリーズリング。。。いや、今回はゲヴェルツトラミネールだったかな。たまにするワイン試しに飲みたくないワインは料理で使います。)
Chicken broth (チキンブロス・鶏の煮出し汁?)
Chubbified の作り方:
まずはパスターを沸かす。ナマケモノの Chubbified 料理は塩とかも使わないでただお湯に入れる。
アルコールが消えるように low か medium heat で温めるが、マッシュルームがワインの味だけにならないよう、ブロスを入れる前の時間をちょっと短くする。ちょうどあった一つだけのグリーン野菜(今回のロメイン)を入れる。液体がまだ静かに沸いているよう暑さを調整する。
バターが茶色・暑すぎになる毎に すぐサーモンを入れる。
前作ったサーモンパスタです。家にあるもので何となく何かを作る、というのがChubbified の料理ルールです。あんまりプランのない、その時食べたくなったものを食べる。けど、急に腹減っちゃうから、出来るだけ早く作れるものにするのも Chubbified ルールですね。作り方も気分によって調整します。材料は好きな量を使うのも、 Chubbified のやり方です。こんな Chubbified の料理だから、全然人に食わせるもんじゃないけど、自分で食べて満足できれば一応合格、というところでしょう。
サーモン (材料は適当な順番で):
Chicken broth (チキンブロス・鶏の煮出し汁?)
パスタ & ソース:
スパゲッティ (あるいは適当にあったパスタ)
マッシュルーム (が、日本に住んでいたころは見つかりにくいしあっても高いですから、味は変わりますがてきとーうにあったキノコにしてください)
ロメイン・レタス (か、ロメインは日本で聞いたこともなかったから、手に入れるのは難しそうで、代理のレタスでお願いします)
白ワイン (私は気に入らなかったリーズリング。。。いや、今回はゲヴェルツトラミネールだったかな。たまにするワイン試しに飲みたくないワインは料理で使います。)
Chicken broth (チキンブロス・鶏の煮出し汁?)
Chubbified の作り方:
まずはパスターを沸かす。ナマケモノの Chubbified 料理は塩とかも使わないでただお湯に入れる。
アルコールが消えるように low か medium heat で温めるが、マッシュルームがワインの味だけにならないよう、ブロスを入れる前の時間をちょっと短くする。ちょうどあった一つだけのグリーン野菜(今回のロメイン)を入れる。液体がまだ静かに沸いているよう暑さを調整する。
バターが茶色・暑すぎになる毎に すぐサーモンを入れる。
Mikan Salmon Pasta
Chubbified's Salmon and Mushroom Pasta:
A salmon and pasta that I made a few months ago. The Chubbified way of cooking involves picking through ingredients in the house to make random and novel delectables. There is no planning involved, and yet because I get hungry on a whim, the dishes typically have to materialize quickly (I often eat other things while cooking to make the wait more bearable). The method and amount of each ingredient used also changes depending on my mood. As such, these dishes are pretty much for my tastebuds only, but if they are satisfactory to my tastebuds they still get a passing grade.
In this case the salmon was in the refrigerator so pasta was made as a complement.
Salmon (no particular order):
Italian herbs
Chicken broth
Mikan (mandarin) juice
Pasta & Sauce:
Spaghetti (or whatever pasta is available)
Romaine lettuce (because it happened to be the only green available)
White wine (will typically use whatever wine I tried that didn't pass the taste test for drinking...this time it was Gewurztraminer)
Chicken broth
Worcestershire sauce
The Chubbified Way:
A salmon and pasta that I made a few months ago. The Chubbified way of cooking involves picking through ingredients in the house to make random and novel delectables. There is no planning involved, and yet because I get hungry on a whim, the dishes typically have to materialize quickly (I often eat other things while cooking to make the wait more bearable). The method and amount of each ingredient used also changes depending on my mood. As such, these dishes are pretty much for my tastebuds only, but if they are satisfactory to my tastebuds they still get a passing grade.
In this case the salmon was in the refrigerator so pasta was made as a complement.
Salmon (no particular order):
Italian herbs
Chicken broth
Mikan (mandarin) juice
Pasta & Sauce:
Spaghetti (or whatever pasta is available)
Romaine lettuce (because it happened to be the only green available)
White wine (will typically use whatever wine I tried that didn't pass the taste test for drinking...this time it was Gewurztraminer)
Chicken broth
Worcestershire sauce
The Chubbified Way:
- Cook pasta how you want. The Chubbified way is lazy and somewhat economical, so no salt or additives are used to cook the pasta, only boiling water
- Make pasta sauce before salmon so salmon does not cool down before pasta is done
- Heat pan til hot, then pour in mushrooms; sprinkle Worcestershire sauce
- Turn down heat and add wine (I eyeballed wine and chicken broth to be just enough for the pasta)
- Simmer wine to get rid of alcohol fumes (make sure pan is still warm enough for mixture to bubble)
- Add chicken broth soon so mushrooms do not soak in only wine
- Add in chopped romaine lettuce (or green veggietable)
- Add in pasta and let it soak in the mixture
- When done, remove from pan and put pan back on stove
- Turn up heat and add butter (I put just enough to oil the pan for the salmon as I wanted the whole dish to taste light)
- Add salmon when pan is super hot; add Italian herb spice and pepper
- Add chicken broth and turn down heat to medium
- Flip salmon over to grill the other side
- When outside of salmon becomes slightly brown, remove from heat
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