December 24, 2013

Umbrella ・ こいがさ

Koigasa 2013, Ink

Thinking back, this could possibly be my first drawing for 2013. It was a hectic year and I was never in the mood to sit down and doodle, even for an hour. I won't reflect on 2013 now; maybe in another post if I do decide to do it. I did a lot of stuff, and I didn't do a lot of stuff. Thankfully, I finally managed a visit to my friend Eileen's (which we had been discussing for a year) and if there was an inspiration behind why I felt like inking again, that was probably it! Future post on Eileen's amazing art to come.

Concept: I love the strange, wonderful, bizarre, peculiar, fantastical. Even my sleeping dreams are very Cirque-du-Soleil, especially as of late. One of the books that I always remembered from when I was young was Mirette on the Highwire. This is all somehow related to umbrellas in my brain. I have wanted to do the umbrella for a few years now (procrastination is an art).

こいがさ  2013年、インク

December 08, 2013

Land of Dreams

この場所を知らず 夢の地を目指して
夢の地に着いて この場所を知らず

Though I did not know the place, I set out for the land of my dreams.
Having arrived at the land of my dreams, I found I did not know the place.

キノの旅 第四話 Kino's Journey, episode 4

全て解っていないのに、それでも 着く勇気を持つヒトってどれぐらい居るのだろう。

How many have truly thought about what the land of their dreams would look like?
How many have the courage to arrive at the land of their dreams despite not fully knowing that land?