November 09, 2012

Bus Stop

Bus stop from last year

看板: ハートフルなストーリーを聞きますか?




でもね、カナダがあんなに「ジェントルマンな国」だと言われるのに 、最近あたしが一番最初にバス停でバスを待つのに、バスが来ると、男性男女関係なく後で来た人がみんなあたしより先に乗っちゃいます。いやですモウーッ!o( >< )o


でもまあ、こんなことについて文句を言えるもんですから、カナダもそんなに悪くないと希望を持てますね。私も、そんな気にならないよう、頑張ります。d(  ' '  )b

My friend who lives in Japan saw this and said: then...he has to catch the next train because he can't fit on this one anymore?

Me: yup, that's why guys don't exist in Japan. ^^

(Just kidding.)

Although Canada is often referred to as the "country of gentlemen", this year I find more often that even though I am the first one waiting at a bus stop, when the bus comes everyone who came after me gets on the bus ahead of me. Boooo.

At times like these I really appreciate the systematic manner Japan takes toward its transit. Pathways are marked out for where to line up, and the trains always stop so that the doors match up with the front of each lineup. There are still exceptions, but people generally get on board in the order in which they lined up.

Of course, Canada also has a lot of other great aspects. At least I still manage to get on board and it all doesn't turn out too badly most of the time. I'll work on not getting worked up over it~
d(  ' '  )o

November 02, 2012

Waiting for the train ・ 待ちながら

Waiting for the train one day I noticed these colorful bystanders on the platform.


These bystanders were not originally waiting for the train when I left the city to go abroad; it really made me feel the time lapse between now and then.

As you may have guessed, at the time of this post the ground is already covered in snow.



October 30, 2012

Falafels and Baggles

In my perfect world, falafel would be renamed to flaffle. Or maybe floffle. And bagel will be baggle. And of course, veggietables will be veggietables, as always.

October 28, 2012


Magi animation theme cover

My first big exam is finally over (I sound like a schoolgirl) and today I started watching the anime Magi. It's supposed to be like a new take on/based off of One Thousand and One Nights, which to date I have not yet read even though I keep telling myself I want to and plan to - the English version, at least. Japan has always liked to take the recognizable traits of other cultures and incorporate them into anime, but it's been a while since an Arabian-styled series if there ever was one, so I think there is some anticipation for how this series will play out.(I'll bet Aladdin's blue-haired cuteness is helping to up the show's popularity.)

I'm not so sure about the show's "deciding who will rule the world" deal, but so far the episodes are a fun and fast-paced adventure. The point that I am reminded of again with characters in this anime, as well as with other characters in anime such as Luffy and his crew in One Piece, is how characters like Ali Baba (as he is portrayed in Magi) are "just ordinary people" who go on a great adventure, by a turn of events coupled with their personalities, desires, and beliefs that move them to take certain actions.

It reminds again about the concept that you just have to prepare yourself through your every day so that you are ready when your big opportunity comes along... so that when your big adventure happens you are ready to jump on the magic carpet and fly with it. (I was going to say "roll with it" but that was too much of a pun...)

I also really liked when Ugo the djinn (who by the way is voiced by one of my favorites Morikawa Toshiyuki, who in recent years started his own voice company and school AXL ONE) offered to grant Aladdin a wish, and Aladdin asked Ugo to be his friend. If I ever meet a genie imma ask it to be my friend too~

August 04, 2012






Going through my room again I came upon my little "treasure box". It's interesting to see the items that come into your possession throughout the years, and how they reflect a part of you - who you were, who you are, who you become. My Chuck e Cheese coins, the badly folded dragonfly that I made for my friend's wedding reception. Things that may have no value to anyone else can be of infinite meaning, to the right person.

My baby bracelet was not made of gold or platinum, but has attained quite some character over the years. The best part? It still fits.

July 29, 2012

Free Wishes

(Photo courtesy of Jeff Chan)

So it took me a couple months to get the pictures ready and another few months to finish writing this...

I went to visit the Market Collective back in March. It was my first time seeing it since being back in Canada, and it was also something I hadn't done pretty much since Market Collective first came into existence.

Market Collective is just one of numerous initiatives in Calgary that have taken off in recent years, connecting local artists' works and products with the surrounding community.

My main motive for dropping by the March Market Collective was to see the Free Wishes project set up by Jeff Chan and Jamie Hobbs. I learned from Jeff Chan's blog that Free Wishes was a community project he originally did with Jamie Hobbs at the San Francisco Golden Gate Bridge. I didn't know this, but according to Jeff, more people die from suicide at the Golden Gate Bridge than any other location in the world.

Jeff and Jamie aimed to turn this location into a place of hope, even if for only a few moments, by inviting anyone to come and write down their wish on a rock.

Jeff and Jamie then brought the project to their hometown of Calgary, so I thought I would go check out the project, as well as write down a wish of my own.

It turns out that they put up a number of posters for people to write down their wishes. I did think the rocks were more interesting, but then I realized the great thing about these posters was that people were responding to each others' wishes. My favorite was one that said, "I wish we could have a rainbow everyday," to which someone else wrote, "but then it would rain everyday..."

(Photo courtesy of Jeff Chan)

As for my wish:

Visit Jeff Chan's website:
Visit Jamie Hobb's website:

フリー ・ ウィッシュ

(写真提供: Jeff Chan)

今年の三月に久しぶりにうちの Market Collective (マーケットコレクティブ)に行ってみました。久しぶりだと言いますが、本当は何年ぶりになりますね。このイヴェントが始まったころから行ってないかな。。。

Market Collective は新ローカルアーティストの作品を町の人々へつながる為の取組です。

今回行ったきっかけは Market Collective の一部として、ローカルアーティストのジェフさんとジェーミーさんが Free Wishes というプロジェクトをやるおかげでした。Free Wishes の始まりは2011年ジェフさんとジェーミーさんが San Francisco (サンフランシスコ)の Golden Gate Bridge (ゴールデンゲートブリッジ)に行った時です。 Golden Gate Bridge は有名な観光地ですが、どうやら世界で自殺率の一番高いロケーションにあるそうです。


今度は自分のふるさとで Free Wishes が発生しましたから、あたしも少し参加できました。 石ではなかったけど、みんなは大きなポスター紙の上で自分の望を書きました。石の方が美術的だと思いましたが、ポスターだからできたお互いへの返事が面白かったです。一番気になったのは、「毎日虹がありますように」と誰かが書いて、「なら毎日雨じゃん。。。」ともう一人が答えたのです。 (笑)

(写真提供: Jeff Chan)

Possibilitarian - 珍しく、この言葉は誰か他の人も使いそうな言葉です。

Jeff Chan のウェブサイト:
Jamie Hobb のウェブサイト:

July 27, 2012


Lately I've become bogged down with an undercurrent of stress. I know I can deal with a lot of things and I always try to change things up to keep the good and minimize the bad, but sometimes circumstances slowly strip away my spiritual energy.

I deal with my fast paced life by retreating into mu-ness (無 mu: nothingness, emptiness; serenity, peace, zen) and introspection; the more "undercurrently" stressed I am and the less "retreatment" time I have, the less I want to face outwards and deal with outward things like having parties and talking to people (albeit great people).

Today I am finally catching up with some messages and came across some left for me by a friend in Japan. Her honest and open generosity really warmed my heart and reminded me again of how some really amazing people there, and anywhere, have become a part of my life despite some of the setbacks I experienced.

Even though I need time alone and don't always want to interact (can you imagine? Interacting? Like, who does that, ever)  ... it's so nice to have sweet messages waiting for me whenever I take a peek out from under my shell.

April 30, 2012

Good Things

Good things
Apr 30 2012

I'm still healthy.
I have Toto and my fam (and Flumpy in my heart).
I'm not on the street.
I can eat Bernard Callebaut chocolate instead of being tortured by it.
Bernard Callebaut chocolate still exists.
(Although unfortunately it is not longer being run by Bernard.)
I still exist.
I can still look forward to the things I don't know.

I can still sing.

April 29, 2012

Something to Say - Contemporary

Something to Say 2012 is finished! Actually it was finished about two weeks ago, I just haven't updated the blog. This picture is one of my favorites.

Photo by Up and Away Studios' Kristy-Anne Stewart (I find the blog interesting and easier to navigate). Thanks for capturing many great shots for us and your efforts in making the photos available to the team!

For the Culture Rebel blog, which has posts regarding the show's concept as well as some very well written comments, please click here.

This show was put together by the MPact Dance collective (click for bios).

Something to Say は終わりました!



写真は Up and Away Studios の Kristy-Anne Stewart さんのお陰です(因みにメインサイトよりブログのほうが気に入ってます)。素敵な写真を撮って、そしてショーの写真を早くくれてありがとうございます!
Culture Rebel のブログ(英語)はこのショーについていろいろ書かれています。そして、いろいろ考えてくれた読者のコメントも載っています。Culture Rebel blog リンクはこちらです
このショーは MPact Dance コレクティヴがプロデュースしました。 MPact リンクはこちらです

the untitled Girl

Untitled Girl

April 21, 2012

サムシング・トゥ・セイ CTV

Something to Say ディレクターのコニーさんとビジュアルアーティストのハリエットさんが CTV ニュースでインタービューをしました。リンクはこちらです:

Let It Rock のダンサーたちも紹介されました!

Something to Say CTV

Something to Say's director Connie Jakab and visual artist Harriet Stanley's interview on CTV here:

Also included are some sweet shots of the Let It Rock dancers!

April 06, 2012





ストリートスタイル私。メーク by 私。

この素敵な目は Emjay Casem (エムジェイ・カセム)さんがメークしてくれました。 Emjay は私とダンスの一つを一緒にやっています。毎晩次のダンスの準備をするのに Emjay さんがつけてくれたメークを落としてちょっと罪悪感を感じました。(笑)



まとめていい二番目の夜でした!人が世間の問題を考えようとしたり、視野を広げたり、art を支えたり、そして何よりもショーを楽しんだりしてくれることが見えるととても満足感じます。

The 2nd Night

So it's the second of four nights and all four nights are SOLD OUT!! Very exciting. I am so thankful to all the people who have come out and are coming out to support us. It really means a lot.

Awesome random lucky shot of my street getup.

These amazing eyes were done by makeup artist Emjay Casem (with the awesome hair next to me). Emjay and I are in one of the dance pieces together. Had to get a photo of these eyes; I feel guilty every night when I wipe my eyes off to re-makeup for the next piece in the show.

A good Material Girl shot. I wonder how my personality would appear to to people who see this photo. Introvert?

This turned out to be a surprisingly creative-looking shot.

All in all a good night (despite the fact that I stepped on a fellow dancer's pants in the crucial last piece and my face totally did the "oh shoot, I just stepped on someone's pants!" much for being a true performer). It is great to see people coming out for a cause and learning more about poverty ... and ultimately just enjoying the show.

April 04, 2012

I Want Change

Experimenting with an awesome picture that Connie took of me during filming for the Something to Say trailer. I liked the double meaning of the cardboard sign. I could make a photo reel with these! Counting down to show start and hoping we stay safe.


Something to Say トレーラの撮影の日に Connie さんが撮ってくれた写真。いろいろカラーセッティングを使ってみました。そのカードボードで書いてある 「I want change」 は二つの意味があります。ホームレスの方のよくある「お釣りをください」せりふでもあるが、「世界・周りに何かが変わってほしい。何かを変えてみたい」との意味もあります。そこが好きですね。

ショースタートまでワクワク~ みんなが無事でい続けるように!

April 03, 2012

Something to Say テレビ放送


Something to Say on Shaw TV

The television channel came to film us working on one of the pieces for the show that starts April 4th! Raaaad. Check it out:

April 01, 2012



こんな時にはまず MAC Cosmetics へ相談を求めます。

カラーのことなら MAC にライバルはない (まぁ...今時には)。

...で、 MAC ストアに入って eye メークのやり方のアイディアを頼みました。

そうやって適当に店に入ったら、「そういえば日本もやっと MAC ストアが開いてるよね」と思い出しました。

東京にいた時マックストアを訪ねてみました。日本の MAC 値段は Canada の二倍ほどでもないけど、高い!
どうやら MAC はもともとカナダで始まったらしいけど、アメリカの値段はまだ安いです。
本部が New York にあるからかな~



MAC Eyes

Trying out makeup for the upcoming show. For times like these the first place I go to is... *drumroll* ...MAC Cosmetics. When it comes to colour, especially stage colour, nothing beats MAC for me ... Though it makes me wonder what makeup Cirque du Soleil makeup artists are using. I'd like to start working with face paints sometime.

I walked into the MAC store and asked them to play with my eyes. (I was going for a grunge, feverish look.)

It reminded me that there are finally MAC stores in Japan now, and It makes me wonder if people in Japan also just walk up to the counter and ask for theatre makeup to be done on their faces. I'm pretty shy...but most girls in Japan are probably even more reserved than I am when it comes to that kind of stuff - forget guys!

I visited one of the stores when I was in Tokyo last time...and MAC prices are almost double what they are in Canada. I checked up on the internet and found out MAC was first founded in Canada, but sadly the U.S. pricing is still cheaper, probably because MAC is headquartered in New York.

...So then I played around with what my eye looked like on camera, and this was the effect. (It's the opposite eye because one picture was taken in the mirror and the other was not.) Totally changed my grunge look into something else:

March 29, 2012


水曜日にショーが始まるぞー!この写真は集まってダンスをやり始める、最初の日に撮った写真です。(因みに私を探しているなら、入っていません...あたしの視野から撮ったんです。) 相変わらず時間は早く流れて、もうそろそろおしまいだ...けど、ステージは未だだね!Connie さんが poverty の顔を見て、考えて、調べて、そしてショーを作ったことを感謝します。いろいろ考えながら楽しみました。来週から Vertigo Theatre でやらせていただきます!

The Beginning

The show takes off next Wednesday! This pic is from the first day we got together to start work on the dances. Time swept by and it's almost over already - but not the biggest part, the performances! It was a fun ride. Lots of respect to Connie, the one who started it all, for taking that extra step to look at poverty head on and learn about its many faces. For those in town, check out Something to Say April 4-7 at the Vertigo Theatre.

March 27, 2012

際立つ Spy

本当はリハーサルで撮った写真です。が、あんまりにも目立っているオレンジ色のカメラ (いわゆる携帯) でスパイするコンセプトが気に入ってます。

因みにお母さんがこの写真が見えた時 すぐ「なんでこんなに太く撮られてるの?」と、そっこうに聞きました。

だよね...何でだろうー (泣)

Conspicuous Spy

This shot is actually from rehearsal. I like the theme though...spying with a ridiculously apparent orange-clad camera (a.k.a. phone)

March 26, 2012



最近の携帯 app (アップ) のことだけどね!

iPhone を好きになる理由がますます増えていく。(カメラのフォーカス以外にはね~)


I'm ensnared. These great photo apps de la modern phone technology have reeled me in. Now people like me who don't know anything about shopping photos can turn failed photos into beauties - like the one above of my loveable fluff ball. Another reason to love the iPhone. Besides the camera's poorer focus/clarity despite its many megapixels.

March 25, 2012

Chubbified とは?

「チャビファイド」 とは?

Chubbified (チャビファイド、過去分詞) は chubbify (チャビファイ、動詞) の過去形。 「Chubbify」  との新語は、新しい言葉をいつも創るくせで出来た造語です。Chubbify の元は「デブ」と意味する 「chubby」 です。「チャビファイ」の意味は「ふとらせる」ことで、その包摂は 『 富ます 』 こと。

現在、「デブ ・ chubby」の使い方は結構ネガティブな意味が含まれてます。

Chubbification (チャビフィケーション、名詞) は新たな太り方です。精神的に毎日を太らせること。自分の気持ちや思ったことを正直に向き合いながら、周りの世界を感じて、視野を広げて、小さな喜びを気付いて笑う。



Chubbify your life

What is 『 Chubbified 』?

The word chubbify is derived from chubby, an adjective to describe someone or something who is plump, pudgy, or fat. Chubbified comes from my habit of creating my own vocabulary and using unusual grammar. You may be making your o.O face but just wait til I become the next J.R.R. Tolkien...! (In my next life.)

Chubbify: verb. To fatten, to plumpen, to fill out (something), to enrich, to adorn, to harmonize, to heighten, to intensify.

Chubbification: noun. The act of chubbifying; enrichment

This blog will be a real account of my life, the thoughts that sometimes cross my mind, and the things I love (and hate).

I hope here will be a comfort to those who drop by, a heart and soul-opener, and a reminder to both myself and others to see and create the beauty around us. Live the Chubbified life; chubbify your life.

March 24, 2012

Something to Say Trailer

Here it is!

Produced and directed by Chris Matteo
Something to Say artwork by Harriet Stanley
Opening music by local group Boy&Gurl - I learned of them through this video, it's a good song!

 It's heartwarming for me to see more and more local artists doing their thing...props to their work and contribution to the city scene

Something to Say トレーラ

撮影した trailer です!

トレーラはローカルのフィルムアーティスト クリス・マティオが撮影して作ってくれました。



こちらのアーティストがますます活躍していて、 heartwarming なことです。


The new polish I got today (gotta be OPI!) for the upcoming show...although I had been meaning to get this solid white for a while now. One of the pieces will be a simple costume for a quiet but powerful song with lyrics that many people can probably relate to. Between work, dance, and everything else I'm pretty exhausted, but excited for the show! Going to test this out on the digits and see if it's what I wanted...


今日買った polishです 。やっぱ OPI じゃないとね~。ショーの最後のダンスは白衣装が決められたから、お楽しみ~ 多分誰にでも心が通える、 静かに powerful な歌だから、簡単でピュアーな仮装で踊るのがいいと思う。

普段メークとかはあんまりしないけど、それでも女心はちゃんと持っています~ Make up artistry はそれなりの魅力を持っているし...でもそのテーマはまた別の機会に。これからネールカラーを試してみます d( ' ' o)


March 22, 2012








March 19, 2012

小さな 一歩


...Even if it's small, if I take a step with all my might, surely a door will open.

恋愛 NEET, episode 1

March 14, 2012





Listening to: Wildflower by Superfly 

March 11, 2012


先週はダンスショーの trailer の撮影と同時にリハーサルの日でした。




撮影の シフトがあって、あたしは昼間のシフトだったけど、朝のシフトに街の人たちから爽快じゃない反応もあったらしい。











